Our learning community is all about YOUR end game. DARE to be YOU.
Do you want to …
-do mission work?
-get your PhD?
-enter trade school?
-join the military?
-invent something?
-go to college?
-take a gap year?
-inspire others?
-start your own business?

our high school learning community is a micro-school
It’s flexible, adaptable- whatever your goal- a high school experience YOUR way
All learning is self-directed. Instead of direct instruction of EVERYTHING, our learning partners manage a variety of opportunities which fit YOU…
It’s an innovative take on learning that pairs flexibility with the attentive feedback of a small group and one to one interaction using an advisory system.
Students form a self-paced, intellectually rigorous community through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous interaction.
What’s your end game?
Literally! Our curriculum can be accessed from anywhere- structured in quests, students earn XP towards over-arching learning standards meeting the rigorous course credits necessary for college, now or later- or ready yourself for dual enrollment and graduate with possibly a two year degree. The learning paths are set up in innovative ways to make choices-all personalized to YOU the learner. Work is approved demonstrating mastery or returned for reflection and re-submittal. Self-paced and with Advisory staff (academic coaches) to help you one on one, in small groups, or inside our learning platform!
Identify what motivates you and carve out the time to develop those passions. Develop a warm heart and find the confidence to lead others. Develop passion projects which help you contribute to your community in a significant way.
Ready yourself for the real world through a seminar program that helps you find who you are, where you want to go, and how to get there. Prep for big stakes like balancing life & college or a job or wherever life takes you. Sims like building a company, understanding your communication style or taking career inventories to figure out where your strengths lie are all a part of your journey. Find an Internship to test out your interests.
Through the Career & College Promise Program complete credits concurrently and carve your college path out early-some students have completed a year or more of college credits before graduating. Decide your graduation date and plan out what you need to get there-move at your pace- your way!
Not local? Struggling with on-site learning environments due to a medical condition, social anxiety or other concern? We offer a virtual high school program with a personal connection and access to an academic coach throughout the week. This program is an off-shoot of our live academy program. While some of the live opportunities are not a part of the Virtual High School experience like Sim Squads or Seminar, Field trips, etc, the self-paced driven coursework has the same gamified approach, offering choice and personalized support. We are fully accredited and all students who meet the state criteria may be dually enrolled in the NC CCP program and take college courses for credit while in high school (11th and 12th grades). Graduating seniors can participate in social events. We hold a formal graduation ceremony, with regalia, speeches, and diploma & honors distribution, if they choose.
The Virtual High School involves structured, pre-set bi-weekly meeting times to review and layout self-paced work and content delivered in our learning management system or assigned by our academic coaches. Meetings are held remotely via zoom classroom. Typical remote meetings occur in the early morning on Mondays and Thursdays. These meetings are structured as “drop ins”. This means a window of time is made available to access a coach. The meetings are open and made available for all students enrolled in any virtual coursework. The first week is set up individually so the student can learn how to utilize the support and access ciursework. Mondays are typically used to lay out the plans for the week, while Thursdays are to ensure weekly wrap-up and completion of work by Friday. Coaches will set up additional support time if they feel it is necessary. While families do not need to be concerned with lesson planning or record keeping, both middle school students and those in the virtual high school program may need adult oversight to ensure they are making their weekly meetings with the coaching team; especially since high school students are held accountable for making meeting times and do not receive reminders. Virtual high school students receive a transcript at the end of each semester which provides credit for those courses that have been completed. Any course with which work remains will be marked “in progress” or “IP” on a transcript. Work can be graded for feedback and scoring during the summer months, but coach meetings are held from late August through May each year.
Schedule a chat to learn more- we would love to be a part of your student's passionate learning journey- let's do it their way!
When it is time to leave, we know you will have created a legacy for younger students, inspiring them because you…
crushed your goals
designed amazing things you never imagined
pitched ideas and learned to communicate
tackled the real world
possibly earned college credits already
have a warm heart & a tough mind but are not afraid to make a difference in the world!